Sunday, October 13, 2013

Now available as an e-book: The Snow Queen

My Aurora-winning YA fantasy The Snow Queen (Thistledown Press, 2000) is now available in  kindle and kobo e-book format.

In this reworking of Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tale, the magical worlds of Saami shamanism and the Kalevala coexist with the polite Victorian society of nineteenth-century Scandinavia. At a time when traditional faith is challenged by modern science, the old pagan gods still haunt the northern forests.

"Gerda is a sheltered daughter of Victorian-era Denmark's middle class; Ritva is the savage daughter of a Lapp shaman and a Swedish bandit chief. Christian and pagan, city girl and wildwood outlaw, their paths should never have crossed. But Lady Aurore, a mysterious noblewoman, bears away Gerda's beloved, Kai, and Gerda steals away from home to rescue him, though she knows she has little hope of success. Even that slim hope is dashed, it seems, when she is captured by the robber-maiden Ritva. Yet they will find themselves traveling together beyond the Cave of the North Wind, to the end of the earth--and the Snow Queen's perilous palace.

In The Snow Queen, Eileen Kernaghan has respectfully combined elements of Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tale with Saami shamanic lore and the Finnish epic, the  Kalevala, to create a powerful, enchanting, and gracefully written novel with intelligent, well-drawn characters and with unexpected plot turns that will surprise you right up to the end". -- Cynthia Ward

Thursday, October 10, 2013

VPL Self-publishing workshops announced

The Vancouver Public Library is hosting two self-publishing workshops this fall. The first one is called Introduction to Self-Publishing : Publishers Panel and will take place on Saturday November 16th from 1 – 4 pm in the Alice MacKay room at the Central Library. For more information here is the link to the online calendar event page:  as well as to their Facebook Event page

The second workshop is called Introduction to Self-Publishing : Author Panel and will take place on Saturday December 7th from 1 – 4 pm again in the Alice MacKay room at our Central Library. For more information here is the link to the online event calendar page: (a Facebook Event page will be coming soon)

Both events will start with a panel presentation on the stage, where each panelist will have five minutes to share their publishing experiences and background with the audience. This will take approximately 45 minutes. To make the event more interactive and to allow for more participation between the audience and the speakers, we have set up the room in small groups of 10-12. This enables the presenters to visit each group and gives each audience member more opportunity to ask their questions and participate in the discussion. Seating is limited and registration is required. To register please call: 604-331-3603.