Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Charlotte's Library review of Sophie in Shadow

 From Charlotte's Library: one of my best reviews ever.

Tragedy and culture-shock combine to wake in Sophie a gift of sorts--her perceptions of both past and future become strangely sharpened.  And her visions will make her a player in the tail end of Kipling's Great Game--the game of intrigue, political machinations, and spying in which European powers, and now Indian nationalists, shape the future of the country.  World War I is underway in Europe, and plots are afoot in India that may well destroy both Sophie's new family and British control of the sub-continent. Charlotte's Library May 2014 

Discovered while websurfing

 I've just come across this 2012 article from the online Daily Mail. It seems that my imaginary drowned world off the coast of England actually existed.

Songs from the Drowned Lands cover art by Barclay Shaw

Thursday, January 19, 2017